Bike Indianapolis Safety Fund
The Bike Indianapolis Safety Fund, a Bike Indianapolis Advocacy Committee initiative, has been created to provide safety equipment to cyclists in Indianapolis who do not have access to proper safety equipment for low-visibility and nighttime conditions. Many people who rely on a bike for transportation have to ride at night when visibility is significantly reduced and safe infrastructure may not be available, thus increasing the risk of a crash. They could be adults going to or from work or children on their way home from practice or studying at the library. This poses a safety risk that Bike Indianapolis wants to bring an end to by providing safety materials to our cyclists.
Donations will be used to address safety equipment needs as they arise. Safety Item Costs:
$5 - reflective tape for five people
$15 - one set of bike lights
$50 - reflective vests for five people
$150 - one roll of reflective tape, for 150 people
$1,500 - 100 sets of bike lights
Will you help?
Indianapolis continues to see an increase in the number of cyclists being hit. The data tracked by Indy Pedestrian Safety Crisis in December shows continuing year-over-year increases in incidents involving pedestrians and bicyclists. A total of 60 incidents were reported during the month, with 11 involving bicyclists.
Your donation will help us make cyclists safer on our streets.
*Bike Indianapolis will use the safety fund to address whatever equipment needs are most urgent at the time. (i.e. donating $15 does not necessarily mean funding will be used for bike lights).
Want to see how your donations are helping?
Check out this video of Jakob Morales, our Advocacy Committee Chair, giving a pair of Bike lights to a cyclist:
Have questions about this campaign? Contact our Advocacy Committee Chair, Jakob Morales at Jakob@bikeindianapolis.org