A Call for Action at the 2023 Bike Indianapolis Annual Meeting
We had a great turnout for our 2023 Annual Meeting on Tuesday, March 21 at Centerpoint Brewing. Thank you to everyone who came to hear what we accomplished in 2022 as well as what we have planned for 2023. We showed our appreciation for our 2022 volunteers including our Board of Directors, our Advocacy Committee and especially for Damon Richards whose tenure as our Executive Director is coming to a close. We also announced the following call to action. Our Advocacy Committee has been hard at work putting this together. Please take a minute to review and sign this important petition:
CALL FOR ACTION: Bike Indianapolis is calling on the Indianapolis Department of Public Works (DPW) to publicly release the agency’s trail maintenance plan.
To date, information detailing how and when local trails and bike lanes are to be cleared has not been shared with the public. We request that the DPW provide a detailed maintenance plan that outlines how and when trails will be cleared. For more information and to sign this petition, click this link: https://chng.it/Fb4PjzTn8s.
Sign our petition concerning the clearing of trails and bike lanes:
If you weren’t able to join us, please take a moment to view our slide presentation to see all the news shared at our meeting. A short synopsis of our presentation is also included below.

Recap of 2022:
COMMUNITY AND GROUP RIDES: We continued to provide weekly community riding groups and led and/or organized several group rides to major events in central Indiana including Bike to the Ballpark, Bike to Work Day and Bike to the 500, If you’re interested in leading a neighborhood ride or forming one within your community, contact tess@bikeindianapolis.org.
INDPLS FATAL CRASH REVIEW TEAM: We helped to establish this vital group which evaluates dangerous streets and intersections where deadly crashes have happened around Indianapolis.
NEW & UPDATED BICYCLE INFRASTRUCTURE: We continue to promote the construction and maintenance of trails in our city. Specifically, 7.2 miles of new bicycle infrastructure has beenadded as well as 4.8 miles of the Monon Trail widened.
MAJOR TAYLOR INVITATIONAL: We hosted the first ever national gathering of Major Taylor cycling clubs. Traditionally this event moves to a different city every year but due to an overwhelming positive response, we are hosting this event again in 2023.
BIKE BUDDY PROGRAM: This valuable program is offered in partnership with Commuter Connect. It pairs experienced cyclists with novice riders to instill self confidence and provide skills and guidance on city riding. We trained 15 experienced riders to be Bike Buddies to new riders in 2022 and hope to add to this number in 2023. If you would like to become a Bike Buddy, you can join us at our upcoming Bike Buddy Training on April 27. Register here.
BICYCLE LUNCH AND LEARNS: Along with Bicycle Garage Indy (BGI) and other Central Indiana bicycle groups, we supported nine virtual Bicycle Lunch & Learns in 2022 and will continue to participate and promote these events virtually in 2023 on the third Thursday of every month.
ADVOCACY COMMITTEE ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Our Advocacy Committee is active and dedicated to making our community safer for cyclists. 2022 Accomplishments included:
Created Bike Lane flyers.
Repainted Irvington bike racks.
Distributed bike lights.
Updated bike guide.
Led neighborhood bike rides.
Reported locations for new 25 mph speed limit signs.
Tracking crashes.
They have already been hard at work in 2023 by creating the petition concerning the clearing of trails and bike lanes. Help us make our trails safer by signing this petition.
What’s to come in 2023
We have lots planned for 2023. Below is a list of our upcoming events and opportunities to become more involved in Bike Indianapolis:
2023 EVENTS:
Bike to the Ballpark: Saturday, April 1
Enjoy the Indianapolis Indians weekend opener with a ride from Sun King Brewing to Victory field! We will have Bike Valet Parking available for all riders inside the ballpark.
Bike to Work Day: Friday, May 19
Make your commute more enjoyable by riding your bike to work! Meet us at Lugar Plaza for breakfast, coffee and a short program highlighting the benefits of bike commuting.
Bike to the 500: Sunday, May 28
Don't sit in traffic when you can pedal past the crowds on an escorted route and park at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Join us at the AMP at 16 Tech on Sunday, May 28th and Bike to the 500!
Bike Indianapolis Programs: With your help, we will continue to grow our programs including our Bike Valet Parking opportunities, Community Outreach, Bicycle Ambassador program, Community Rides and Bike Buddy program.
Bike Indianapolis is made possible by the time, talent and treasure provided by our volunteers. We could not exist without their help. There are many ways we utilize volunteers. This includes our programs and events but also through our Advocacy Committee and Board of Directors. One of our goals for 2023 is to continue to grow our volunteer program which will allow us to provide more opportunities to ride, advocate for safer cycling, and educate riders, drivers and the community at large.
Board of Directors: We are looking for individuals who would like to have input and make an impact in cycling in Indianapolis by becoming a board member. Please contact tess@bikeindianapolis.org if you are interested.
Advocacy Committee: Our Advocacy Committee is active and dedicated. If you would like to become involved in campaigning for safer cycling by joining this committee, please contact chris@bikeindianapolis.org.
Program or Event Volunteer: Would you like to help with valet parking or tabling a festival or event? Be a ride leader for Bike to Work day? We have lots of current and upcoming volunteer opportunities in our various programs and events. Our current signup list is here.
Become a Bike Indianapolis member today!
Bike Indianapolis Membership: And of course we would be remiss if we didn’t ask you to become a member. Your membership dollars allow us to provide all the services and programs listed above with our overall goal to create more riders in central Indiana. Become a part of a cycling community that shares your passion. Join here.