Bike Indianapolis releases 2023 Bike Guide
If you haven’t already heard, the newest Bike Indianapolis Bike Guide dropped in July. With all the new trails being constructed and updated, it’s hard to keep up so now you have access to the most up-to-date trail map to help send you on your way!
Our newest guide includes bike lanes, multi-use paths, bike tips and more. Huge thanks to our Advocacy Committee who put in long hours researching and putting this together.
You can check it out digitally here but if you want a small, convenient, portable pocket sized hardcopy, here’s where you can find them:
Want to have some of these maps available at your business or organization? Let us know by emailing us at
Subscribe to the Bike Indianapolis Monthly Newsletter for the most up-to-date Trail Info!
As we mentioned earlier, new trails are being created as we speak so make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get the most up-to-date trail information. New trail information is provided in our On the Streets // Construction and Maintenance Updates. You can also look for trail updates on our website under Trail Report.
Become a member today and know you’ve made an impact in creating safer streets and more riders in Central Indiana
We couldn’t make this happen without our membership and sponsorship dollars. Want to help? Join or donate here and help us continue our mission to make more riders in central Indiana.