Bike Indianapolis members come together for 2022 Members Meeting
First and foremost, thank you to all of the Bike Indianapolis members who joined us at Centerpoint Brewing on Monday, March 21 for our first in-person Members Meeting in two years. Your involvement and support allows us to continue working every day to create a safer city and more bike riders in Indianapolis. For those who couldn’t make it, last night’s presentation, including various 2022 volunteer opportunities, is available below.

Recap of 2021
Bike Indianapolis staff began the meeting by recognizing volunteer staff members who worked throughout 2021 to help us accomplish many organizational, advocacy, educational and ride programming goals. Last year’s accomplishments included:
Bike Lights Program- In 2021, Indianapolis helped Bike Indianapolis raise $7,000 in partnership with Bike Lane Uprising to secure 200 sets of bike lights for lightless riders in the city. This program not only serves the Indianapolis bike community by providing necessary equipment for being seen by drivers but is also a tool for collecting data about who is riding without bike lights and where in the city. Members can learn more about the program here and obtain lights to distribute by emailing
Neighborhood Rides- Emory Lietz, our 2021 Butler Intern, spearheaded four weekly neighborhood rides that we look forward to continuing in 2022. If you’re interested in leading a neighborhood ride or forming one within your community, you can sign up here or contact for more information.
Additionally, Emory interviewed neighborhood riders and Ride Guide participants for his senior thesis titled “Biking in Indianapolis: An Ethnographic Analysis of Obstacles and Solutions,” which will be used to help Indianapolis identify areas for improvement within our existing bike network.
Ride Guides/Bike Buddies- Partnered with Commuter Connect, we paired 40 new and veteran riders together for weekly rides to increase comfort and confidence in new riders. This program will continue into 2022 under the name Bike Buddies, and riders interested in helping new riders learn the bike routes of Indianapolis can sign up here.
Community Rides- Bike Indianapolis sponsored multiple recreational rides that ranged in size including Bike to the 500, Bike to the Ballpark, Bike Bingo and more. Many of these ride are annual events that you can participate in in 2022 and years to come.
League Certified Instructors- Six Indianapolis riders became League Certified Instructors after taking the Smart Cycling Complete class and a LCI Seminar from the League of American Bicyclists. These riders will go on to teach Adult Road Safety Classes this summer.
Bicycle Lunch & Learns- Along with BGI and other Central Indiana bicycle groups, we supported nine virtual Bicycle Lunch & Learns in 2021 and will continue to host these events virtually in 2022 on the third Thursday of every month.
World Day of Remembrance- On Nov. 21, 2021 as traffic fatalities climbed to record-high numbers, the Indianapolis bike community came together to honor the lives of seven neighbors who died while biking in Central Indiana. At the same time, we challenged the City of Indianapolis to form a Fatal Crash Response team consisting of pedestrian and bike advocates, planners and traffic engineers and community members to review fatal crash sites and create public reports including recommendations to improving infrastructure surrounding these sites to prevent future tragedies. The City has officially formed the Fatal Crash Response team including Bike Indianapolis Executive Director Damon Richards, Health By Design representing pedestrians and Austin Gibble of Indy DMD leading the team. Updates will come after the group meets for the first time to review fatal crashes that have occurred over the past year and a half including motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians.
39% Increase in Membership- In 2021, the Bike Indianapolis family grew by nearly 40% as more Indianapolis bike riders became members supporting bike advocacy in Central Indiana.
Looking Forward to 2022
Following our review of 2021, Bike Indianapolis staff and members discussed our goals for 2022 and ways that members could get more involved in with the organization, advocacy, education and ride programing.
Board of Directors- As an organization, our Board of Directors serves as the fundraising arm of our organization. We’re looking to add five new directors to our board to allow previous members to retire and to diversify our funding sources (including sponsorships, donations, grants, etc.) If you have a passion for fundraising or have a lot of rich friends, you can learn more about our board and begin the journey of Board Candidacy here.
Revitalize Volunteer Opportunities- The majority of our 2022 Members Meeting focused on volunteer opportunities which are highlighted in the slideshow below and elaborated upon in this report, but if you have a volunteer program that you’d like to spearhead with Bike Indianapolis that we haven’t mentioned, let us know here.
Bike Lane Obstructions- Indianapolis bike riders are no strangers to bike lane obstructions. In 2022, we want to encourage more riders to report obstructions utilizing Bike Lane Uprising which allows us to submit obstructions over time and using their database see which bike lanes need additional signage and protections. We’re also working with our sponsor ParkIndy to form a staff position dedicated to keeping bike lanes clear for riders. Lastly, the Bike Indianapolis Advocacy Committee is in the final stages of producing educational materials riders can carry with them to leave on the windshield of cars alerting drivers they’ve parked in bike lanes.
Neighborhood Speeds- Our “Slow Streets are Safe Streets” initiative began in 2021 as an effort to report outdated speed limit signs in the Mile Square to the Mayor’s Action Center. Every sign we have reported has been updated, and in 2022, we would like to work with neighborhood organizations and their respective City-County officials to reduce neighborhood speeds.
Bicycle-Friendly Drivers- Bike Indianapolis hosts a Bicycle Friendly Drivers Training every other month in partnership with the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office as a traffic deferment option for motorists who receive traffic violations. In 2022, we’re working toward implementing this program among all government departments, so every City-County employee who operates a government vehicle and every IndyGo coach operator has the training and knowledge to safely share the road with Indianapolis residents on bikes.
Road Safety Adult Classes- The previously mentioned League Certified Instructors will host six road safety classes for adults interested in becoming more comfortable riding on the road. Dates for these classes are TBD.
Bike to School Program- Bike Indianapolis Executive Director Damon Richards taught two Bike to School classes at IPS schools in 2021. Parents and school staff interested in hosting a Bike to School session can schedule a class by emailing
Many parents have also reached out to Bike Indianapolis about implementing tactical urbanism projects in school zones to slow traffic and protect students walking and biking to school. The City of Indianapolis has various grant opportunities that include funding for infrastructure improvements and tactical urbanism projects. Parents interested in focusing on school zone advocacy can reach out to our Advocacy Chair Trent Taylor via Throughout 2022 and years to come, we would like to aid parents and school groups in the process of designing, obtaining funding and executing projects to protect students commuting to school.
Bike Buddies- Following the success of Ride Guides, we’re looking forward to growing our newly renamed Bike Buddies program to 100 participants. Veteran riders will join new bike riders on a weekly or biweekly ride to show newer riders safe routes throughout Indianapolis and help them become more comfortable biking as a form of transportation. We’re currently accepting volunteers interested in serving as Bike Buddies here.
Community Rides- In 2022, we’re looking to host 10 weekly neighborhood rides. These rides can have a designated ride leader such as John Franklin Hay who leads the Near Eastside Ride and includes a history lesson with every ride, or if you and a group of neighbors want to take turns leading the ride every week, you’re more than welcome. It’s YOUR neighborhood ride! Prior to rides beginning in May, leaders can meet with Bike Indianapolis staff to receive training on route-setting, ride guiding and helpful tips for keeping your ride rolling throughout the summer. Sign up to start a neighborhood ride here.
Bike Valet- Bike Valet is the easiest way to volunteer with Bike Indianapolis, and it provides an option for people to bike to events they already plan to attend. Volunteers are encouraged to sign up with a group of friends as Bike Valet requires you to do nothing more than set up bike racks and hang out with parked bikes. Our first Bike Valet event of 2022 is at Victory Field on April 5th as the destination for Bike to the Ballpark.
Major Taylor National Ride- In the 42 years since the first Major Taylor Cycling club started in Columbus, Ohio, there has never been a national gathering of the Major Taylor Clubs. Major Taylor’s hometown, Indianapolis, Indiana, will host the first Major Taylor national event June 17-19. If you’re interested in attending the event as a participant, you can sign up here. Those interested in volunteering can email
Bike Racks- Bike Indianapolis Advocacy Chair Trent Taylor has recorded more than that 1,200 bike racks across Indianapolis via Google Maps. Riders looking for parking can simply search “Bike Parking” and find racks around their destination. Furthermore, if you know of a business or public facility that needs bike parking, visit our website and let us know where you want to see more bike parking. Together, we can work to secure more secure bike racks across Indianapolis.
Join us in creating a more bike-friendly Indy
The 2022 Bike Indianapolis Members Meeting adjourned after this presentation and a subsequent Q&A portion, but our members are eager to get involved and create a more bike-friendly Indianapolis. If there was anything we missed in this presentation that you’d like to see, you can let us know here or by emailing